omnis ars naturae imitatio est.
Seneca the Younger said that ‘all art is an imitation of nature’, so through the close observation and emulation of the natural world, alongside our human history, art refines its form and gains its essence.
'Arance Rosse' Watercolour painting of Italian blood oranges. 8" x 12"
‘Arance Rosse’ Watercolour painting of Italian blood oranges, framed and hung in situ.
AURUM SICILIAE ‘Sicilian Gold’ Watercolour portrait of an Italian Lemon. 6 1/2" x 4 1/2"
MEUS NODOSUS PROGENITOR ‘Me and My Gnarly Ancestor’. Watercolour portrait of an Italian lemon and a citron. 4" x 8"
MEA CITREA FAMILIAE ‘My Familial-Lemon-Tree’ Watercolour portrait of three Italian lemons. 6" x 6"
LOCUS APRICUS ‘Sunny Spot’ Watercolour portrait of two Italian lemons. 6" x 6"
‘A Triad of Golden Graces’ Watercolour on paper. 8" x 12" Three 'citrus limon Feminello': one of the first varieties of lemon introduced to Italy and named for their protruding nipples and ample form. Grown by the Medici family in their gardens from the 16th century, it fruits all year round with royal purple buds that blossom into exceptionally fragrant flowers. The three Graces: Aglaea ('Splendor'), Euphrosyne ('Joy') and Thalia ('Plentiful'), were the goddesses of all things joyful and beautiful, patrons of the arts and festivities. The ribbon bears the inscription: Per vos omne delectabile dulceque mortalibus perficitur. ‘Through thy favour every joy and sweet delight makes rich the mortal soul.’ Translated from Pindar’s Olympian Ode XIV (488 BCE), which was chosen in honour of the forthcoming 2024 Olympics, since Pindar composed the odes to celebrate the victors at the Ancient Olympic games.
tam dulcis dolor discedere est. ‘Parting is such sweet sorrow' CITRUS LIMON FEMMINELLO SORRENTINO Watercolour on paper, gilt frame and Italian marble paper. 17”x 17”
Amor coniugat iterum nostras origines et totum ex dimidiis efficit ut animam humanam sanet. 'Love unites anew ancient origins and from halves makes a whole to heal the human soul.' CITRUS LIMON FEMMINELLO ADAMO Watercolour on paper, gilt frame and Italian marble paper. 17”x 20”
sape aliquid melius paradisio. ‘Know/ Taste something better than Paradise.’ CITRUS LIMON PERETTA Watercolour on paper, framed with red Italian marble paper. 13"x 17"
quid velit et possit rerum concordia discors. 'What purpose and what power has nature's harmonious discord.’ CITRUS LIMONIMEDICA FLORENTINA Watercolour on paper, framed with red Italian marble paper. 13"x 17"
et in Arcadia ego. ‘Even in Arcadia am I.' CITRON DE MENTON Watercolour on paper, silver gilt frame and Italian marble paper. 17"x 17"
audacibus adnue coeptis. ‘Smile upon a bold beginning.’ CITRUS MEDICA PARVA Watercolour on paper, silver gilt frame and Italian marble paper. 9”x 11”
'The Monarch' [Danaus Plexippus] 3D watercolour butterfly mounted on papyrus. Framed with Italian marble paper. 9" x 11"